Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Pushing Pawns.

I'm beginning to notice a pattern in my life. Chess takes over as soon as I'm not focused on school or work. Sherlock Holmes did cocaine when he was without work, I suppose chess is a much safer thing to be addicted to in times of listlessness.

I'm on break from school right now. It's nice to have some R&R, but I need something to keep me occupied. So, for the time being I'm back on the chess scene. I don't know if I'll be able to keep this up when the semester starts back up, but I'll be enjoying my time back during this break.

And, here's a quick game that I just finished. You'll quickly see why it's not analyzed. It was a nice self-esteem booster to get me over the hump that always happens when I come back to chess.

Back in the Ring

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