Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Holiday Wins and Losses.

The holiday season is nearly over and soon I will be back in school. I've been playing a lot of games on Chess.com and not really spending my leisure time analyzing them. I had an epic session yesterday, where I finished up eight games of correspondence chess. Of those eight, I only lost one of them. To be fair, it was a devastatingly stupid loss, but these things happen. So, to ring in the new year, I'll post my favorite of the wins and the loss. And, perhaps if I find myself with an excess of free time in the future, I'll come back and annotate them.

This is my favorite win from yesterday. Keep in mind, I was playing basically a simul--since it was turn based chess and I was moving on board after board. It was great fun, but the quality of my games could probably have been better. To be honest though, I think mediocre games are much more exciting than games where no one makes mistakes. Anyways, I end up with tripled pawns, and he gets mated by four of my pieces--probably one of my favorite mates I've ever done. Enjoy watching us navigate through our own ineptitude.

King Safety?

This game was my only loss yesterday (I've already suffered one today though). I was over ambitious and over confident--two traits that I should learn to curb in real life as well as my chess life.

Didn't See That Coming

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