Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Bobby269 v. LindseyAnn 0-1

[Event "www.ChessWorld.net server game"]
[Site "www.ChessWorld.net "]
[Date "2008.7.5"]
[Round "NA"]
[White "bobby269"]
[Black "lindseyann"]
[TimeControl "-"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "D02"]
[WhiteELO "1168"]
[BlackELO "1282"]

{Termination "White king mated" Mode "ICS" DateLastMove "2008.8.5" Board "5074258"}
1.d4 d5 2.Nf3 c5 3.Bf4 Nc6 4.c3 Nf6 5.e3 Bg4 6.Be2
{We transposed into a million different openings. Now it's time for some chess.}
6...e6 7.h3 Bh5 8.g4 Bg6 9.g5 Ne4 10.Nbd2 Nxd2 11.Qxd2 cxd4 12.cxd4
{He had three possible ways to take back the pawn I was praying this was the one he choose. It was, and it cost him the game.}
12...Bb4 13.Qxb4 Nxb4 14.a3
{Immediately after losing the queen he gives me the rook. And things are looking even worse for him.}
14...Nc2+ 15.Kd2 Nxa1
{Slightly better than this move is 15...Qa5+, pushing his king back to the first rank and preventing one rook from protecting the other. But, I was going for blood at this point.}
16.Rxa1 O-O 17.Rc1 Rc8 18.Rg1
{This was not a very strong move. It gave up the file without a fight and actually gave me a mate in 10 that I missed (big surprise).}
18...Qa5+ 19.Kd1
{This move turned the mate in 10 into a mate in 4, that I really should have been able to see. But, I was on my way no matter what.}
19...Bc2+ 20.Kc1 Bd3+ 21.Kd1 Qa4+ 22.Ke1 Rc1+ 23.Bd1 Qxd1#
{White king mated}

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