For a long time now, I've been collecting and analyzing my games. All analysis is aided by a computer and I am most certainly a hopeless patzer. Some of these games are interesting, some are terrible, but all of them are mine and they live on this site so I can perhaps learn from them.
If you play through my games on the embedded boards, my commentary should be integrated in all recent games. Unless noted, all games are correspondence games.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Dragor vs. LindseyAnn 1-0
[Event " server game"]
[Site " "]
[Date "2010.3.28"]
[Round "NA"]
[White "dragor"]
[Black "lindseyann"]
[TimeControl "-"]
[Result "*"]
[ECO "C20"]
[WhiteELO "1369"]
[BlackELO "1255"]
{Termination "Black resigned" Mode "ICS" DateLastMove "2010.4.2" Board "6746059"}
1.e4 e5 2.c3 Nf6 3.Qf3 Nc6 4.h4 Bc5 5.g4 O-O
{Missed a good move here (that I should have played early on) 5...d4 6. Qxd4 Bxg4 and I'm up a pawn with good development.}
6.g5 Ne8 7.Bc4 Nd6 8.Bb3 Qe7
{Maybe should have played Kh8 here to get some of the pressure off my king while no real threats exist.}
9.Nh3 b6 10.Bd5 Bb7
{Should have played 10...a5 here to avoid loosing the bishop (which I did not see).}
11.b4 Bxb4 12.cxb4 Nxb4
{This move gives up my very effective bishop. Should have played Nd4 and harassed his queen a bit.}
13.Bxb7 Nxb7 14.Qc3 c5 15.a3 Nc6 16.h5 Nd4 17.Bb2 Nd6
{It may have been better to play d5 here opening up some lines for my pieces (and he can't protect the pawn after exd4 Qd7. I would have taken the stress off of my position. The rest of this game isn't really worth commenting on because I make a rookie mistake and give up my queen (then immediately resign).}
18.f3 N6b5 19.Qc1 Nxf3+ 20.Kf2 Nxg5 21.d3 d6 22.Nxg5 Qxg5 23.Qxg5
{Black resigned}
Playable Game
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